Patricia Buján
In this workshop, we will learn the steps a publisher takes, from the reception of a translation proposal until it hits the shelves as a book.
We will get to know the ways in which the proposal reaches the publisher (through their own search or through a proposal, either from a professional translator or a literary agency) which examines it in order to decide if they go ahead. We will also have a look at the translation contract that has to be signed with the owner of the original work rights.
Then, we will see what goes into translation contracting: how to look for the professional who will handle the job, and what are the conditions that will be negotiated and included on the translation contract. We will pay special attention to translation authorship rights, and the reasons why this agreement is called transfer of rights contract.
Finally, we will go over the remaining phases that the translated text goes through, from translation delivery up to the book’s distribution to bookshops—different correction types, layout and text composition, printing, and register’s legal requirements.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
6.15 pm - 8.15 pm
Classroom Newton 17 (Building C) of the Faculty of Philology and Translation at the Universidade de Vigo.