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Research Methodology
(Prof.ª Alberto Álvarez Lugrís)
This subject will focus on one of the empirical methodologies of translation and interpreting studies that is experiencing a higher development nowadays: the use of textual translation corpora as well as originals to trace, identify, describe, and classify different phenomena in translation: corpus Linguistics.
Corpus Linguistics, more than a discipline, is an empirical research methodology for the study of the language and of the different social activities related to it through the computerized analysis of wide text collections. As a methodological tool, it is transversally related to many subdisciplines of general Linguistics and with other autonomous disciplines, namely with translation and paratranslation studies. This way, corpus Linguistics can offer quantitative and qualitative data to disciplines such as Lexicography, Grammar, Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics, historical Linguistics, Dialectology, Psycholinguistics, Cultural studies, Social Psychology, discourse analysis and every discipline related to language Technology and with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).