CFP – Didactics for Technologies
Invitation to participate in a special issue focused on didactics for technologies to be published in the research journal trans‑kom ( Vol 11 [2], December 2018. trans-kom accepts contributions in English, German, French or Spanish. The contributions will be evaluated following a double-blind review process. The final decision will depend on the scientific committee.
With the aim to continue the interesting presentations covered at the 8th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting (AIETI), it has been decided upon the idea of publishing a monograph related to the topics discussed in the event, with special emphasis on teaching technologies in Translation and Interpreting classes.
Hence, if you are interested in taking part in the volume, you should contact the organizers before September 10, 2017 by sending the provisional title for your article, an abstract (200 words) and a brief biographical note to the following addresses: /
Contributors don’t need to be a member of AIETI or have participated in the Conference AIETI8, therefore you can circulate the message among potential interested colleagues.