Welcome to
1st International Congress on Paratranslation, Interlinguas, and Transmedia
The Congress will take place both on-site and remotely
The 1st edition of this International Congress on Paratranslation, Interlinguas, and Transmedia (ParatradIT), celebrated in 2024 at the Faculty of Philology and Translation of the Universidade de Vigo, aims to be the first edition of a series of scientific events that study the social, cultural, political, and, above all, technological circumstances relevant to translation between languages (interlinguas) in the era of transmedia storytelling on and off the screen throughout the years.
Organized by the TI4 Translation & Paratranslation (T&P) of the Universidade de Vigo, together with the Universidad de Córdoba, will take place both on-site and remotely from March 20th to March 22nd, 2024. The languages of the conference are five: Spanish, Galician, French, English, and Portuguese. We invite you to participate in the sessions that will take place during the three days of the conference.