Digital Pedagogy and Didactics of Language
Emmanuel Claude Bourgoin Vergondy
The purpose of this congress, and this track in particular, is to provide a platform for presenting research initiatives, results, and practical experiences of digital teaching in the classroom.
We invite you all, university and secondary school teachers, experts in didactics, manual publishers and content creators – either digital or paper based – to spread inspiration for all the teaching community.
You can find below a brief list of possible themes we would like to discuss in this track of the Congress, but please note that: the following list is merely indicative. We are open to other original proposal related to any area of Digital Pedagogy and Didactics of Language:
- Collaborative learning in foreign language classes
- Multimodality in the foreign language classroom
- Mixed Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex)
- Comodal
- Online
- Integration of ICT in the foreign language classroom
- Telecollaboration in the foreign language classroom
- The use of social media in the foreign language classroom
- The role of LMS in the foreign language classroom
- Creation of new pedagogical scripts in foreign language classes
- How to work on all skills in foreign language classes: technological strategies.
- Reception : listening and reading
- Production : speaking and writing
- Spoken and written mediation
- Spoken and written interaction
- Gamification in language teaching
- Robots for teaching psychomotor skills and language
- Online communities in language teaching
- The digital gap and its impact on the implementation of ICT in the foreign language classroom