Ana Luna Alonso is a senior lecturer in the Department of Translation and Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology and Translation at the Universidade de Vigo, where she teaches both in the bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as in the doctoral program.
She has directed numerous doctoral dissertations, she has coordinated courses and workshops, and she has organized several international translation and translation politics symposia and congresses.
She is a researcher at the BITRAGA (Biblioteca da Tradución Galega) research group at BiFeGa, she has participated in several projects financed by the Ministry and the Xunta de Galicia as PI and she has collaborated in different research projects such as CULTURFIL of the USC, CRET of the UB o EACT of the UAB.
She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Translation and Linguistics at the Universidade de Vigo since the academic year 1995-1996. She teaches different courses in the bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpreting, as well as in the master’s degree in Translation for International Communication —which has been awarded the mention of excellence by the government of the Xunta de Galicia – and in the doctoral program Translation & Paratranslation. She is the director of the University-accredited qualification of Specialist in Editing.
Her activities related to Translation and Interpreting Studies include, among others, socio-cultural studies of the context in which translation to and from minority languages take place, the history of translation and translators, and the analysis of translation flows and editorial translation policies in which the gender and feminist perspectives are central.
- Luna-Alonso, Ana (2023). Escritoras gallegas paratraducidas en el espacio ibérico. Meta. Vol. 67, nº 3, décembre 2022, p. 623–645. DOI copiéeune erreur s’est produite
- Luna-Alonso, Ana (2022). Circuítos paratraductivos. Escalas y peajes de escritoras gallegas. En Garrido Vilariño, Xoán Manuel & Yuste Frías, José (eds.) Traducción & Paratraducción: Líneas de investigación I. 197-212. 2022. Berlín: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-81038-5
- Luna-Alonso, Ana (2022). Ferias Internacionales del Libro. Liber y el invitado de honor: formulas y discursos. En Ferreiro Vázquez, Óscar (ed.) Avances en las realidades traductológicas: tecnología, ocio y sociedad a través del texto y del paratexto, Berlín: Peter Lang, 176- Berlín: Peter Lang. DOI 10.3726/b20227
- Luna-Alonso, Ana (2022). Historia de la traducción – Ámbito gallego. Edición trilingüe (GAL-ES-EN). En Franco Aixelá, Javier & Ricardo Muñoz (eds.) Enciclopedia Traducción e Interpretación (ENTI). AIETI. // ISSN: 2951-6714.
- Luna-Alonso, Ana (2022). Xela Arias en la traducción. Verso y recto. Revista de Traducció. Vol. 29: 115-136. ISSN: 1138-5790 (paper) 2014-9735 (digital)