Jessica Gregori Sendra was born in Pego (Alicante) and has a bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting in German, with a specialty in legal translation, by the Universidad de Alicante. She also is a sworn translator and interpreter (Spanish-German-Spanish) certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
She also has a master’s degree in Business Internationalization by the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante.
She has more than 15 years of experience as head of foreign trade departments in different institutions and companies and since 2014 she combines her work as a translator in different specialties of economic and commercial, legal, and sworn translations with that of foreign trade. In 2021 she began her activity as a mentor for freelancers and SMEs specialized in business internationalizations and management for the Ronsel Foundation within the Merlo program and she took over the management of the Galician delegation of the company Redflexión Consultores.
She is part of the AGPTI Translators Association.
She is a guest lecturer in the department of Translation and Linguistics of the Universidade de Vigo since the academic year 2020-2021. She teaches a subject in the Master’s degree in Translation for International Communication, which was recently awarded the mention of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia.