Iolanda Galanes Santos has a PhD in Galician Philology by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and she completed postgraduate studies in the Université Laval (Quebec) and in the Université Montreal. Her research is ascribed to two lines: terminology in specialized translation, as the coordinator of the line of terminology and terminografy of BiFeGa, and literary translation in Galicia, as a member of BITRAGA. She is the author and co-author of several monographs, over ten specialized dictionaries at international level. For two decades she has been taking part in international congresses, regularly publishing academic articles about these lines.
She has professional experience as a translator. Between 1999 and 2005 she was the technical coordinator of the Language Section of the Galician Culture Council, position in which she is on leave. She currently develops her teaching activities on terminology and translation in the degree in translation and interpreting in the Universidade de Vigo.
She is a senior lecturer at the Department of Translation and Linguistics of the Universidade de Vigo, of which she is a part of since 2000. She has also worked in training public servants in languages of specialty (EGAP, DXPL, etc.), in language planning (CTNL) and in legal-administrative translation (AGPTI).She has taught in several foreign universities as a member of the ERASMUS exchange program, as coordinator of intensive programs (IP KA2) and as visiting senior lecturer at the universities of Lisbon, Pádova, São Paulo and Montreal. She is responsible for training in terminology and terminography in the degree in translation and interpreting, as well as in the master’s degree in Translation for International Communication and in the doctoral program of Translation and Paratranslation, aside from having taught translation courses.
In literary translation it is notable her collaboration with BITRAGA, in the Galician Translation Virtual Catalog, from which various publications are derived regarding the relations between the Galician literary system and other literatures La traducción literaria. Nuevas investigaciones (Comares, 2016), Literaturas extranjeras y desarrollo cultural (Peter Lang, 2015) or Traducción de una cultura emergente (Peter Lang, 2012), etc. She also studies cultural promotion strategies at International Book Fairs and the translation of certain literary genres. In the terminology line, she is co-author of international specialized dictionaries (e.g. Lexique panlatin de manutention et stockage, Léxico da enerxía eólica).
She publishes academic articles regularly (Memorias dun neno labrego: a forxa dun longseller, Madrygal 20, 2017; La crise hypothécaire et ses dénominations, Babel 61:2, 2015; Terminografía galega e calidade: novos modelos, Estudos de Lingüística Galega 2015 ou Carlos Casares y la traducción: obra dispersa e inédita, Quaderns para la traducció 21, 2014).
- Villarino Pardo, C.; Galanes Santos, I. & Luna Alonso, A (eds.) 2021. Promoción cultural y Traducción. Peter Lang: Berna.
- Villarino Pardo, C.; Galanes Santos, I. & Luna Alonso, A (eds.) 2021. Promoción cultural y Traducción. Peter Lang: Berna.
- Galanes-Santos, Iolanda. 2019. “El redactor periodístico ante el neologismo. Estrategias comunicativas para reexpresar los conceptos de la crisis económica mundial.” En Comunicación, Traducción e Interpretación /Communication, Translation and Interpreting. MonTI Special Issue 5, 122-146. DOI:
- Galanes-Santos, Iolanda. 2019. “El redactor periodístico ante el neologismo. Estrategias comunicativas para reexpresar los conceptos de la crisis económica mundial.” En Comunicación, Traducción e Interpretación /Communication, Translation and Interpreting. MonTI Special Issue 5, 122-146. DOI:
- Galanes Santos, I. 2018. A proxección exterior da literatura galega e Carlos Casares: obstáculos e estratexias, Boletín Galego de Literatura, 53 (2).