Patricia Sotelo Dios has a bachelor’s degree in English Philology by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (1997), where she later studied the master’s degree in Editing (2007-2009). From 2004 to 2006 she studied the Master of Arts in Foreign and Second Language Education at the University of Iowa (United States) and in 2007 she obtained the bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting at the Universidade de Vigo.
She works at an agency as a translator, reviewer, proofreader, and project manager. Since 2007 she performs these same tasks as a freelancer as well. Her main working languages are English, French, Spanish and Galician and she is an English-Galician sworn translator and interpreter certified by the Xunta de Galicia.
She is a member of the Galician Professional Association of Translators and Interpreters (AGPTI), of the Association of Audiovisual Translation and Adaptation (ATRAE) and of the research group Technologies and Applications of Galician Language (TALG) of the Universidade de Vigo.
From 2003 to 2006 she worked as a Spanish professor in the department of Spanish and Portuguese philology at the University of Iowa (United States).
Teaching fellow in the Department of Translation and Linguistics of the Universidade de Vigo since the academic year 2016-2017. She previously was a visiting teaching fellow (2006-2008) and lecturer (2009-2013) in the same department, as well as assistant professor in the department of English, French and German Phylology (2013-2015).
She teaches different courses in the degree in Translation and Interpreting, as well as in the master’s degree in Translation for International Communication – which has recently been awarded the mention of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia.
Her main lines of research are corpus linguistics, translation studies based on parallel and multimedia corpus and audiovisual translation. For her PhD dissertation she is compiling the Veiga corpus, a multimedia corpus of English-Galician subtitles, with the aim of analyzing certain specific features of this type of audiovisual translation in this combination.
- Sotelo Dios, P. (2016). «Adquisición de competencias en traducción audiovisual mediante un corpus multimedia». En D. Gallego-Hernández (ed.), New Insights into Corpora and Translation, pp. 1-16. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sotelo Dios, P. (2016). «Adquisición de competencias en traducción audiovisual mediante un corpus multimedia». En D. Gallego-Hernández (ed.), New Insights into Corpora and Translation, pp. 1-16. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sotelo Dios, P. (2015). «Using a multimedia corpus of subtitles in translation training: Design and applications of the Veiga corpus». En A. Leńko-Szymańska e A. Boulton (eds.), Multiple Affordances of Language Corpora for Data-driven Learning [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 69], pp. 245-266. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Sotelo Dios, P. e Gómez Guinovart, X. (2012). «A Multimedia Parallel Corpus of English-Galician Film Subtitling». En A. Simões, R. Queirós e D. da Cruz, OASIcs: OpenAccess Series in Informatics, 24, pp. 255-266.
- Sotelo Dios, P. (2011). «Corpus multimedia VEIGA inglés-galego de subtitulación cinematográfica», Linguamática, 3(2), pp. 99-106.