Maribel del Pozo Triviño has a PhD in Translation and Interpreting and is a sworn English-Spanish translator and interpreter. She has developed a vast professional career as translator and interpreter, and she currently is a senior lecturer. She has been Vice-Dean of International Relations of the Faculty of Philology and Translation and currently is the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation at the Universidade de Vigo.
Maribel del Pozo is also a member of the Commission of Experts of the Conference of Translation and Interpreting University Centres and Departments of Spain (CCDUTI) responsible for ensuring the correct transposition into Spanish national law of the Directive 2010/64/UE on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. She is also a member of several professional and academic associations (AIETI, ATIJC, APTIJ, AGPTI, etc.) as well as of the Comunica Network.
She has been a lecturer in several universities and other institutions both in Spain and abroad. She is the author and the director of Linkterpreting, a website that provides resources for liaison interpreting. She also directs the Teaching Innovation Group LINKTERPRETING. Teaching with a human rights perspective.
Legal translation and translation and interpreting in public services. She is involved in several projects in these areas. She has coordinated a number of European projects such as Speak Out for Support (SOS-VICS), focused on training interpreters to work with victims of gender-based violence; MELINCO and JUSTISINGS2.
- Del-Pozo-Triviño, M. y Fernández Malnero, P. (2022). Los Corredores Intérpretes de Buques: análisis de la profesión e identidades. Hermeneus 24. DOI:
- Marey-Castro, C. y Del-Pozo-Triviño, M. (2020). Deconstruir mitos y prejuicios para interpretar a mujeres migrantes en contextos de violencia de género o prostitución en España. Mutatis Mutandis, Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, 13(1), 64-92.
Book chapters
- Del-Pozo-Triviño, M.; Casado-Neira, D.; Pérez Freire, S.; Oca González, L.. (2023) “Interpreters and language assistance in Galician NGDOs: Situation, demands, and training needs” The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Crisis, edited by Christophe Declercq and Koen Kerremans. Routledge: Oxfordshire (in press).
- Del-Pozo-Triviño, M., Casado-Neira, D., Pérez-Freire, S. y Oca-González, L. (2022) Traducir e interpretar en el ámbito de la cooperación al desarrollo. Proyecto MELINCO. En A. Gómez González-Jover y R. Martínez Motos (Eds.) Traducción e interpretación en entornos institucionales /Translation and Interpreting in Institutional Settings (pp. 61-86). Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-1-80079-151-0.
- Del-Pozo-Triviño, M. (2020). Teaching police to work effectively with interpreters: Design and delivery of a training course. En E. N. S. Ng, y I. H. M. Creeze, (Eds.), Interpreting in Legal and Healthcare Settings. Perspectives on research and training (pp. 189-210). John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027261472.
Books published
- DEL POZO TRIVIÑO, M; TOLEDANO BUENDÍA, C; CASADO NEIRA, D. y FERNANDES DEL POZO, D. (eds.) – (e.p.) Construir puentes de comunicación en el ámbito de la violencia de genero/Building communication bridges in gender violence. Granada: Comares. ISBN: 978-84-9045-227-1.
- BORJA ALBI, A. y DEL POZO TRIVIÑO M. (eds.) (2015). La comunicación mediada por intérpretes en contextos de violencia de género. Guía de buenas prácticas para trabajar con intérpretes. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch. ISBN 9788416349333.