Óscar Ferreiro Vázquez was born in the Swiss canton of Fribourg. He has a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in Translation and Interpreting by the Universidade de Vigo with international mention. He obtained the highest qualification of outstanding with honors for his dissertation «Por boca de»: achegas á historia da interpretación do centro e sur de América (15181870) as well as the extraordinary award by the Universidade de Vigo in 2016.
He is a lecturer of French, on extended leave, of the Department of Education and University of the Xunta de Galicia.
He is a sworn French-Galician-French translator-interpreter, certified by the General Secretariat of Language Policy (Xunta de Galicia). As per the private sector, he has taught more than 1 500 hours of training in different companies. For five years he carried out translation and interpreting tasks at a renowned company of the city of Vigo. He also oversaw and coordinated a team of translators and interprets to give language services to more than a hundred companies both at national and international levels.
Regarding his university teaching experience, he is a lecturer in the Translation and Linguistics Department at the Universidade de Vigo since the academic year 2006-2007. He teaches different courses in the degree of translation and interpreting, as well as in the master’s degree in Translation for International Communication —which has been recently awarded the mention of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia—and in the doctoral program in Translation & Paratranslation. He is co-director of the University-accredited degree of Specialist in Translation for the Video game Industry (ETIV).
His lines of research include the history of translation and interpreting in America during the conquest and colonization period, as well as the translation of the globalizing hip hop movement as an artistic and cultural expression. In recent years, he opened a new line of research in which he applies the concept of paratranslation to studies of fascism and the New Right.
- Ferreiro-Vázquez, Óscar; Torres-Outón, Sara María (2023). Uso de traductores automáticos y aprendizaje de lengua francesa en 2º de bachillerato. En José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer e Sara María Torres Outón [eds.] Tecnologías aplicadas a la traducción y al aprendizaje de lenguas, pp. 7-22. ISBN: 978-84-1369-428-3. Granada: Editorial Comares.
- Ferreiro-Vázquez, Óscar; González-Santamaría, Pedro (2023). Eventos vinculados a videojuegos y actividad turística. En Ramón Méndez y Alba Calvo [eds.] Nuevas Voces investigadoras en el ámbito de la localización de videojuegos., pp. 15-27. ISBN: 978-84-19471-92-5. Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
- Schurster, Karl; Ferreiro-Vázquez, Óscar (2023). En los márgenes del texto, el paratexto: la paratraducción y las «nuevas derechas» en el Tiempo Presente. En Ramón Méndez González e Emmanuel Claude Bourgoin Vergondy [eds]. Traducción y Paratraducción – Líneas de investigación II. ISBN: 978-3-631-84174-7. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
- Ferreiro Vázquez, Óscar. (2016) «De la comunicación no verbal al acto de mediación: el habitus en interpretación durante la conquista y colonización de América», Estudios Hispánicos. Vol. XXIV: 37-48.