Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the Universidade de Vigo. She has six six-year periods of research and transfer CNEAI. She has a PhD in Romance Philology (French) by the USC (Extraordinary Doctorate and Bachelor Award). She has directed and participated in several R&D competitive projects and research networks. She has coordinated the competitive reference group COLE (2012-2022). She is currently part of the research group GALMA and educational innovation Transformative Education: Science, Communication and Society. Their results in research and transfer include: various publications in renowned magazines and publishing houses, creation of multilingual online resources (e.g. RECOR Portal) and an important number of published biomedical translations (in collaboration with the AFM-Téléthon (France) and ASEM (Spain). She takes part in the scientific committee of many prestigious magazines. She is an external evaluator for quality agencies and teaching and research assessment bodies. She has held different management positions (as department director, doctoral coordinator, or director of the French group in CIUG).
She is a professor of Translation and Interpreting at the Translation and Language department of the Universidade de Vigo since 2003. Her teaching has been developed at the university level. She currently teaches different courses in the degree in Translation and Interpreting. She is also a teacher in the interuniversity master’s degree in applied linguistics (MILA) and in the master’s degree in Translation for International Communication, that has recently received the mention of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia. Her teaching activity also includes the participation in the doctoral program in Linguistic Studies (E-ling) and the doctoral program in Translation & Paratranslation.
Her research links, on the one side, the theoretical analysis of translation and translation practice and, on the other side, the academic and social fields (transfer). In this sense, her translation experience has allowed her to enrich her investigation work and vice versa. This approach has led her to develop research fundamentally on applied nature. She currently has two main lines of research that focus on the creation of multilingual resources for specialized translation (particularly in the field of biomedicine), the analysis of textual conventions and terminology issues, as well as theoretical and professional aspects of translation. She has also developed other multilingual lines of research such as: translation problems related to diachrony, temporary dialects, intertextuality and cultural or didactic differences in translation. Her research results are available at ORCID
- Sánchez Trigo, E.- T. Varela Vila. Los términos manifestation (fr) y ‘manifestación’ (es) en artículos de revistas biomédicas: estudio basado en corpus, Revista de Lingüística, 33: 7-26 (ISSN 0214-9141). DOI: 2021.
- Sánchez Trigo, E. Deontología y traducción: elementos para el análisis de la profesión, Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal, LXV (3): 573- 593 (ISSN 0026-0452 (imprimé) 1492-1421 (numérique)). DOI:
- Varela Vila, T.- Sánchez Trigo. Diseño e implementación de una base de conocimiento terminológico sobre enfermedades raras. Onomázein. Revista de lingüística, filología y traducción, 49: 1- 20 (E-ISSN: 0718-5758). DOI: 2020.
- Sánchez Trigo, E.- T. Varela Vila. RERCOR: portal de recursos lingüísticos multilingües sobre enfermedades raras, Estudios de Traducción, 9: 131-151 (ISSN 2174-047X, ISSN-e 2254-1756). DOI:
- Sánchez Trigo, E. Traducir el discurso especializado: errores de traducción y destrucción de valor. En García Peinado, M.Á.y Ahumada Lara, I. (eds.) Traducción literaria y discursos traductológicos especializados, Peter Lang: Berlín, 409-429 (ISBN: 978-3-631-74680-6) 2018.